Photography is an activity that many consider as a leisure activity; some take it simply as a hobby while for some it is a career. Photography is an interesting activity, but not all who have an interest can become professional photographers.
Being a professional photographer requires a lot of more skills, knowledge, practice and artistic inclination that an amateur into leisure photography don’t have. One of the benefits of being a photographer is the opportunity for creativity that comes along with photography.
It presents one with an opportunity to earn a living while at the same some are having fun. An individual has an opportunity to present their creative shades, identify what people miss and bring it forth for them to realize what they generally fail to see.
There are a variety of fields to focus on in photography: a media photographer, journal photographer, advertisement photographer or an independent photographer. The following are tips to becoming a better professional photographer.
1.) Shoot During Golden Hours
Most professional photographers have their best shots at scenes, from deserts to oceans, urban to rural and most of them taken just before the sun sets. Lighting is key when it comes to photography.
During the sunset streams of light do amazing changes to trees, fields, buildings, water-scales, and mountains. When shooting, catch the streams of light with hues of the sky to come up with the best picture even with simple composition.
2.) Study Art
Take an art class whether it’s drawing, oils or watercolors. There is the need to learn how to contrast, the perspective and putting oneself into a still life or a city. Through the art classes, one will come to realize the importance of composition that will move their photography.
Even though they may have a great technique, it is the composition that will turn the photos to be magnetizing.
3.) Study Other Photographers Work
Elizabeth Photography should not be limited to one venue. Instead, they should interact with other photographers and study their work. Make sure to spend time with black and white photographers, urban life photographers or ones who shoot in pastoral scenes, those who shoot single and simple images and war photographers.
Studying the different types and try to contrast them with different images. Discovering what messages are brought about by the photos, what techniques are used and what make the alluring images.
4.) Experiment with New Techniques
With Elizabeth M Photography, shot to be deliberately blurry. This style is called bokeh. Experiment with such style to see the outcome. For instance, while taking a picture of a bride by the tree, the focus should be on the bride and not the tree.
A good photographer will focus on the single image that is the bride and blur the tree. Experimenting with such new techniques makes one become a good photographer.
5.) Change Positions During Shoot
Good photography does not involve taking all shots at eye level. Bend to the side, lie down on the ground or get a step stool. These are the tips for taking pictures of people or pets at an angle. Pictures taken with different positions turn out to be amazing.
Contact us for more information about our photography services for your upcoming event.