It is important that when you live in a home you keep an eye on its value and look to see if it is going up or down. The market position is something that you normally cannot influence however you can make a difference by upgrading your current home interior – this has a direct impact not only on the value of your home but more attractive to buyers of property and would assist with a smoother sale. There are some projects you could undertake that are not too complex that will make a step change pretty swiftly on your home value.
Kitchen Refurbishment
Normally a room in the home that people take a lot of pride in is the kitchen. This is a room in the house that people spend a lot of time in but they also rely on the appliances within it to be of good quality and sound working order. Whether it is a cooker, fridge or dishwasher – there is a lot of appliances with good purpose that needs upkeep. Making changes to a kitchen can be a pretty expensive task, especially if you are looking to remodel it and make drastic changes. If you do have the time, money and patience to do this, it could be something that could add a significant amount of money to your home value. When remodelling you should consider how the appliances fit in with the kitchen décor but also maybe consider savoy laminate kitchen worktops at a competitive price. You don’t need to go drastic on the spend but you want to make sure that you don’t buy poor quality worktops or appliances. Actually not refreshing your kitchen that is worn and tired will have a direct detrimental effect on the home value.
Heating Improvements
Depending on the age of your home, people have a wide range of different heating systems in the family home. The most common is gas central heating however the level of efficient boilers fluctuate significantly. A lot of households look to completely renew their gas central heating system which will include all the radiators and boilers. This can actually prove in the long term an activity that can save you money. If you have inefficient heaters or a very old boiler you may find that the energy bills you have are high. When a home report is completed for people selling their property, one of the elements on this is all around the efficiency level of the heating systems and how it aligns to current regulations. If there is a gap here then it is important this is bridged. In terms of radiators, you could even consider getting snazzy towel hanging radiators in the bathroom to help with the look. All of this adds value to your home.
Windows and Doors
It is very rare nowadays to see a home without robust double glazing. If you do not have this then it is almost a no brainer that it is something you should immediately look to rectify. You would struggle to sell a home with no double glazed windows without this coming up as an issue (and it would affect your home value). The same can be said for doors – people are looking for doors in the entrances to the home to not only be secure but to be heat efficient. There is no point in spending all that money on the nice new heating system only for the heat to be let out via poor doors. You will find that the good, modern doors have extremely reliable locks to prevent people accessing your home without an invite. If you have old fashioned doors that lack this security then it will also be something that would have a negative effect on the property value.
Garage Conversion
A much larger project to maybe think about would be to convert the garage to a room. Sounds a big task – it is. This sort of project would require to be thought out properly as there may be a need for planning permission to be applied for and approved before you can start the work. The neighbours will require to be consulted as part of this process and could object. It is very rare that you will find many home owners in the UK that use their garage to actually store their car. It is far more likely that you will find that they store garden equipment, junk and tools. If you have space to put these elsewhere then it should be considered. Whatever room type you change your garage into (whether it be a bedroom, study or gym), if it is done properly to the correct standard you will find that this adds significant value to your home.