Whether you’re a high school student finding it difficult to focus or a college freshman struggling to settle in, getting stuck trying to complete an assignment can be incredibly frustrating. Sitting, staring at your computer screen is just demoralising and makes you feel like you will never get your paper or homework piece completed.
In the end, this means that you leave the piece of homework until the last minute, rushing to complete it and handing in a piece that is below par. Getting your homework completed in advance is always the best way to complete it, simply because you can take your time and relax come deadline day.
So, if you are trying to get your assignment finished but you just can’t, what should you do? That’s what we’re going to answer in this quick post. The key to getting back into the flow of things is taking a constructive break and clearing your mind. The only question is, where should you go? Here are our suggestions.
A Park or Outdoor Space
Outdoor spaces are incredible places, not just because they can be beautiful and peaceful but because they have a notable effect on our minds. Plenty of research has been done into how nature impacts our mood and the results will surprise you. Spending time outdoors can reduce stress and improve inspiration, which is exactly what you need when you are struggling to complete a piece of work.
To get your dose of nature, take a look at your local area. Almost every neighbourhood has a park, stream, field or wood that you can go and walk around for twenty minutes to clear your head. These quick strolls are incredibly good for relaxing your muscles and ordering your thoughts so that when you return to your work, you’re ready to go. Give it a try and you’ll be surprised by the difference that it makes.
The School Playground
For the students that are in school when they get a mental block, thinking about heading into the school playground for a little bit. Obviously, if you are in class then this isn’t possible but if you’re working on homework during a break, the school playground can really help you get your ideas in order.
School playgrounds offer a similar benefit to natural, outdoor spaces that we mentioned before but they also have an additional advantage. An effective school playground design doesn’t just include physical challenges, it also gives you space to sit and chat with friends, which is great for helping clear your mind. Taking ten minutes to chat with some friends, even if it’s not about the work you are struggling with, can completely distract you from your problems and help you return to your homework with a fresh outlook.
There is a threat that you might get distracted by your friends but if you can look past this, you’re guaranteed to see the benefits.
Somewhere Quiet
Finally, have you ever thought about just headed somewhere quiet and enjoying a peaceful hobby? One of the best remedies for a clouded, busy mind is some quiet time to yourself and a good book. Relaxing activities and a peaceful environment help to destress the mind and reduce anxiety, whilst books are extremely effective and capturing the imagination and encouraging abstract thought.
It’s this abstract thought which is so valuable, because it helps you look at problems in a different way. Using this, you can work through the homework you’re struggling with and come up with new ideas to help you.
These obviously aren’t the only ways to get through writer’s block or work through difficult homework but they are definitely a good option. Try these out and see what works for you, you never know, you might never struggle to finish a piece of homework again.