Water is essential for the existence of human beings, without it we cannot survive. Every function of our body involves water, from digestion to circulation, controlling temperature of our bodies and elimination of waste products. Not just this, it is also necessary for other purposes like cooking, sanitation, agriculture, etc. According to the recent data…
Category: Health & Fitness
Rapid Recovery – 5 Essential Strategies to Bounce Back From Injuries Faster
For the active go-getter who doesn’t like to sit still, injuries are one of the biggest burdens you face in life. Over days, months, or weeks, you have to sit still, focus on your recovery, and let your body rest from the physical challenges you crave. If you are one of many who would prefer…
CBD Vape Juice- What You Need to Know as a Beginner
CBD, which is also known as cannabidiol is a naturally occurring compound in the species of cannabis. These naturally occurring compounds of a certain molecular structure are known as cannabinoids. There are about 118 different types of cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. However, two cannabinoids are found in abundance- CBD and THC. Both CBD and…
Color-Coded: Healthy Feet Keep You Going
Your feet are the workhorses of your body. Did you know that you take about 5,000 steps every day on average? Yep, that’s 2.5 miles! Add your body’s weight into the mix, and you’ll see how crucial your feet are. The long and short of it is that your feet could make do with some…
Ways to Remove Iron from Well Water
Since only 26.5% of Nigerians rely upon improved wellsprings of water-life, there’s a statue of credibility that you have a spot with 73.5% of others. Moreover, in case you depend upon private wells for drinking water, there is a pleasant possibility that your water contains raised levels of iron. Likewise, since the WHO or NAFDAC…
Beating Severe Asthma With Budesonide
If you are among those who have had an asthma attack, you would always know how it feels like when you can’t get enough air into your body, and you become panicky with the thought of your lungs finally collapsing for life. An asthma attack is quite frightening for first-timers while inconvenient to those who…
Effective Alternatives to Cigarette Smoking
It has been a recurring New Year’s resolution among regular smokers to quit the bad habit. Some cigarette smokers are so motivated to stop smoking they have already made a detailed plan on how to gradually decrease consumption and try different alternatives to divert themselves from their usual habit. Other smokers successfully stop by quitting…
Reasons Why You Must Consider Using Synbiotics?
Nowadays the amount of people affected by digestive problems is increasing drastically. The primary reason behind these problems is the lifestyle of most people. People have become immobile due to which the number of patients with digestive problems has raised. For people with weak digestive tract or those people who are prone to gut ailments,…
A Runner’s Guide to Fascia Training
No matter how many kilometers you’ve got under your belt (or on your running shoes), you’re always going to need to stay on top of muscle, ligament, and joint training to ensure you’re staying in peak condition. It’s not just about your personal bests, fastest times, or the longest distances. It’s also about staying healthy…
Is Gum Contouring Right for You?
Not everybody is happy with their smiles, and that’s a simple fact of life. We strive for perfection in our health, especially in such an easily detectable way like teeth. A white smile is much better for a first impression than defensively hiding some less than ideal chompers. But then, what about the area surrounding…