Hottest Tattoo Quotes Ideas . Getting quotes tattooed on your body is getting more and more popular. Celebrities left and right are getting them, including Lindsay Lohan, Megan Fox and Victoria Beckham. Why would one want tattoo quotes? What is so great about these kinds of tattoos and what type should you get? Let me answer these questions and give you some good tattoo quotes recommendations.
This trend has been picked up by men and women alike. Just as many women are getting their tattoo quotes as men. Some of the more popular locations for women to get such designs are a bit different than men.
Ankle – The ankle is a pretty small canvas for a tattoo and therefore lends itself to smaller and cute female tattoo designs such as words. Also they can naturally curve around the ankle making a beautiful and ornate looking bracelet yet one with deep and rich meaning.
Wrist – The wrist is pretty much like the ankle a great place for a delicate design that is femeinine and sexy at the same time. Thus the words or saying can easily wrap around the wrist. We have all seen the mass of celebrities getting the now famous under wrist tattoo. Typically a one or two word saying that is packed with meaning for the person.
Hip – The hip is the new lower back tattoo design. It is the new location for any sexy tattoo design and so why not but some beautifully embellished writing smack on the hip area.
Do you want more people to know about your unique tattoo designs? How to attract more customers to your tattoo shop? How to showcase your unique tattoo work? You can choose to customize the tattoo designs with custom die cut stickers on the wall decorations in your store to promote and advertise your business. In addition to the tattoo design on the sticker, you can also add the tattoo shop’s name, logo, address, etc. to let more people know about your shop.