When you own or operate a business, the safety of your consumers is your top priority. This necessitates securing all sections of your company, including all surfaces. Many firms neglect the need for slipping resistance testing and are unaware of the safety risk associated. Many slip and fall accidents happen every year, often resulting in serious injuries, high hospital expenses, and even legal action. A slip test of the surface’s slipperiness is required to avoid this. A non-slip solution can then be obtained based on the test results.
Slip Test as a Requirement in All Workplaces
Employers have been taken aback when an employee slips on the floor and suffers a severe accident, resulting in a lawsuit for compensation. Many business owners are unaware that they are responsible for workplace floor safety, and they are solely concerned with other work-related mishaps rather than slipping and falling. A company’s management must guarantee that thorough slip testing is performed on its floors for the safety of its employees.
Protect Your Company by Protecting Its Employees
Business owners have a legal obligation to protect their employees at work, including preventing slips and falls. This criterion is entirely reasonable in terms of business. When a team member slips and falls, you lose a productive member for the time they are in the hospital. Other workers will be psychologically impacted and will not perform at their best due to low workplace morale. As a result, your productivity will suffer, which will impact your business. Any legal problems that arise will impact your employees’ productivity. Testing for slip resistance will assist you in avoiding a situation like this.
New Floors Might Aggravate Slip and Fall Accidents
When you install a new slippery floor, the new surface may also be slippery, increasing the risk of an accident. The Slip test ensures that a new floor isn’t slick and won’t endanger your employees. If the floor becomes slick due to wear and tear, some steps can be taken to lessen the danger of slipping. The slippery quality of the surface and the risk will most likely diminish after a lengthy period of use. You’ll never know the true risk of installing a new floor without doing skid resistance testing.
Failure to Test Could Be Costly
A person fell in a parking lot several years after it was built. A large lawsuit was served on the contractor. Unfortunately, they had not conducted any slip tests and had grown complacent because no incident had occurred in such a long time. The corporation was deemed guilty by the court, and they were forced to spend a large sum of money paying the injured person and replacing the parking lot floor. A slip resistance test could help you save a lot of money in the long run.
At this point, hire a competent slip testing firm to inspect your flooring. The testing will not take long and will not cause any disruption to your operations. If the floor is slick, you will be given guidance on preventing workers from being injured by slipping and falling.